Philippe Gaubert - L'Œuvre pour Flûte et piano vol.1
Frédérique Saumon, flûte - Angéline Pondepeyre, piano - Didier Henry, baryton Philippe Gaubert (1879-1941) - L'Œuvre pour Flûte et piano vol.1 - Nocture & Allegro Scherzando, Romance, Berceuse, Madrigal, Deux esquisses, Divertissement grec, Soir païen, Sonate pour flute et piano
Played by flutists from around the world, Philippe Gaubert is very little representationto disk. This is the first volume devoted to this great flutist-composer-bandleader. It includes many pieces for flute and piano and the first Sonata. The next two will be the second volume. Finally, you will find one of two melodies with flute played by DidierHenry. DDD 64'09 Booklet in English, French